Choosing the right technique and with expert instruction anyone can become a confident meditator. With the effortless technique of Vedic meditation there's no need to clear your mind or use an app and it's designed specifically with busy people like you in mind.
It's the mental break that settles the mind and rests the body more deeply than during sleep. You'll look forward to each sitting because it leaves you feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on everything that's on your plate.
Vedic meditation is a very practical technique that can be practiced simply with the eyes closed on the couch at home, in a car or taxi, on a plane, in a waiting room, or in the boardroom.
The technique is effortless. Twenty minutes practice provides the rest equivalent of around 3 hours normal sleep. The deep state of rest allows for an accelerated release of stress and fatigue enabling you to relax and refresh quickly. Because deep rest is the basis of all activity, you have an even greater capability to live life to the full, fearlessly and at peak performance more consistently.
The ultimate self care practice, Vedic meditation re-directs and re-connects you back to yourself so you can know yourself, trust yourself and take the best action with fewer mis-takes. Life begins to flow.
Bringing you into the present moment, a rested body breaks the cycle of overthinking. Improved sleep, clarity, memory and mood become the new normal. Energy levels are recharged in each sitting so you can give more and create a bigger impact in the world ... without burning out.
Vedic meditation is an opening and clearing out of the mind and body. Plus it's enjoyable.
Reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm
Vedic meditation effectively reduces your stress chemistry (like cortisol and adrenaline) and replaces it with natural bliss chemistry (like dopamine and serotonin).
Stay calm, confident and adaptable through challenging times
Maintain wellbeing and calm amidst the busyness of life. Not sweating the small stuff - you're less reactive and able to choose a better way to respond, even when triggered.
Sleep deeper. Way more energy and productivity
Enjoy all the benefits of deeper sleep, relief from insomnia, less anxiety and more energy. Access your most clear, creative, solution based thinking for the hours after meditation.
Stay focused and clear. Better attention and memory. Operate at a higher level
Meditation develops full-brain functioning so you think clearly and make good decisions. Make fewer mistakes and be more productive, alert, focused.
Be more present and get along better with others
There's so much more joy in life when you can 'switch off' and be present. When you’re healthier, happier and thinking clearly, you’re nicer to be around. All your relationships improve.
Be healthier and experience greater fulfilment
Stress weakens your immune system and speeds up ageing. Meditation reverses this. Create a greater sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, happiness and optimism.
Access happiness from within
Feel comfortable and easeful in your skin with greater confidence and self esteem. Reduce your reliance on use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
Juliet’s openness and warmth makes you feel at home with her immediately. Her generosity in imparting her love and knowledge of mediation shines through in every point of contact with her. The meditation course was a sanctuary for me and the daily practise continues to be just that. We wear so many hats these days that meditation helps me to find a sense of calm and centre. It is especially helpful when dealing with my children in a more understanding and considered manner. One of the things I really appreciate is that the help doesn’t stop with the end of the course. Juliet is always there to offer support, a refresher meeting or a group mediation to help keep you on track.
Learning Vedic meditation has completely changed the way I deal with stress, enabling me to meet very dynamic demands with more clarity and energy. Being able to operate in more of a flow state, free from the constant speculation of the mind is truly liberating.
Mediating is something I have always wanted to try but never really got around to. Being introduced to Juliet and participating in her meditating course has truly been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I am someone who bottles things up inside so meditating has been a beautiful way for me to connect to my body and feelings. Juliet’s teaching style was easy to follow and I have gained a sense of calmness and clarity that I haven’t felt in years. I am forever grateful to Juliet for passing on her knowledge.
Once I found the time to complete a meditation course with Juliet, I was well and truly ready for a change. I have been meditating almost daily for almost a year now and I genuinely feel calmer and more equiped to tackle my busy daily life. Juliet has a calmness about her which makes wanting to learn to meditate very appealing. I am very grateful that I am equipped with power of mediation.
Learning this style of meditation has had many incredible positive effects on my life. My ability to make it through stressful situations without being overwhelmed or anxious has improved my quality of life and happiness. Juliet was so warm and calm when guiding me in this practice and has always provided continued support. Forever grateful.
Juliet is like a Strepsil for the mind - her presence is soothing and calming, making the experience extremely comfortable and welcoming. I looked forward to every session with her. For me, Vedic meditation and the principles surrounding it were a whole new world. Juliet’s teaching style, in particular her visual explanations, were game changers for me.
I leave Juliet’s course feeling excited for the future. The practice - and the way in which she teaches it - truly holds the power to transform your life. I feel calmer, have more clarity, and feel greater connections to myself and those around me... and I have only just begun the practice.
Thank you Juliet for opening your heart and home to me, I will be forever grateful for this profound gift.
If you’re looking for a sign that you should do Juliet’s meditation course - this is it.
Juliet is a warm, encouraging teacher whose 20+ years of meditation vibrate from her like sunbeams. Her approach makes learning this sacred skill resonate on a truly real level. The practice has altered my perspective on how I treat myself, my time and my stress.
I believe Vedic + Juliet is a working formula for deep peace in ones life.
When I researched learning to meditate, numerous people recommended Juliet. As a result my expectations were high and she exceeded them. Juliet is empathetic, calm and deeply caring. Her teachings have given me the ability to face stressful situations without being quick to anger. Instead, I can work more calmly through problems. This has had a very positive effect on my day to day life. In particular, it has improved our family dynamic and I can have more nurturing relationships with my kids. I am very thankful that all roads led to Juliet.
Copyright © 2018 Juliet Hudson - All Rights Reserved.
Juliet Hudson is an independent meditation teacher.
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